Friday, October 24, 2008


The official title of my magazine is...



Friday, October 3, 2008

Title Ideas

- Rep Magazine - Steez illustrated - Fresh Magazine - Stolen Magazine - Word illustrated, Word Magazine, Word Monthly - Hawt Magazine, Hawt illustrated - Low Down illustrated, Low Down Magazine, Low Down Monthly -  Pop Culture Magazine, Pop Culture Monthly, Pop Culture illustrated - Maximum Magazine - Hat's off Magazine   

Project Proposal

Integrating Activity Project Proposal:

Rep Magazine (Working title)

Being an avid men’s magazine reader and a news/ pop culture junkie, it was an easy decision for me to chose a magazine as my I.A project. My magazine, which is targeted to men ages 18-35, will cover a variety of interesting and topical subjects. These subjects include Movies (Rumors, business, reviews), Music (Artists in production, who’s on tour, what’s hot), Interviews (Celebrities, Politicians, Athletes etc.), Clothes, Gadgets (cars, technology etc.), World News (Interesting stories from around the world), Travel (Monthly article about a different place), Sports and more. The magazine’s style is based off Maxim’s informal, fun and easy to flip through format.

Though the work ahead of me is a tad intimidating, I am very excited for this project. The writing of articles, reviews, and interviews in this magazine will call upon my skills acquired in my Dawson English classes. I will use the structural tools of story boarding I learned in Scriptwriting to plan my approach to the project. Scriptwriting will also be useful to harness and direct my creativity and structure for when I create my own advertisements. When it comes to producing my advertisements I will use the photography and placement skills I’ve learned in my productions class when taking the photos for my ads. I will use Adobe Photoshop when I begin to work on my ads, a program that I became very familiar with in my Contemporary Media Arts class. When it comes to creating the pages for my articles and formatting them I think I will have to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator, I will look into that.

Because I plan on pursuing a career in the communications industry, this magazine will be a really interesting and educational experience for me. It is a way for me to use my knowledge of pop culture on all fronts and turn it into something beneficial for once. This magazine will be really good for me because it will give me experience producing a product that is a perfect example of communications. It will also give look very good on my portfolio. I believe that my knowledge of men’s magazines and awareness of what is going on in the world (the topics that my magazine will cover) will enable me to create an original, informative, and entertaining magazine that people will want to read.



October 10: Have all ads, articles, reviews, interviews and coverpage planned out. Start scheduling in actors for ads.

October 17: Begin taking pictures for all the original ads. Begin writing articles, reviews and interviews.

October 31: Begin photo shopping the ads, and placing the articles on pages.

Two weeks before submission: Give in magazine to the place that produces magazines.

December 5: Hand in magazine.

Required Materials:

To create my project I will require good quality camera to take pictures for the ads, as well as certain props featured in the ads. I will use programs like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Word. I will also require a commercial magazine production place. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

Media Production - Final Project

Though the story is a tad childish and not extremley funny, I am actually proud of this film. I started it from scratch in a time of great stress and panic, relied on my friends to come through and got it done. 

Contemporary Media Arts - Comic Book Cover, Fictional Magazine

Skills Acquired in Film

         (Scene from my first film)

Semester 1: Film & Culture, Dipti Gupta. 

I took this class I was already somewhat of a film buff. But I only really began to analyze films in this course. A comvbination of the detailed, passionate and open teaching styling of Dipti, with a variety of interesting and unique films really enabled me to open my mind to what films can do and how much of an art they really are. I sort of dropped the ball towards the end by failing to submit a solid journal which resulted in a poor grade, but what I lacked in grades I made up in a new appreciation for film and the ability to thoroughly and properly analyze a film.

G: 70 CA :69

Semester 4: Script Writing, David Michel.

Ever since I was a kid, my favorite thing in school was creative writing. I love to tell stories, to use my inner voice and creativity and create something completely original. I love to entertain and have people go through an experience that I created. In this class I wrote a pilot for a TV show that I created. It was loosely based on my high school experience, except greatly exaggerated. It was a really liberating and empowering experience for me. Especially when I received enthusiastic and supportive praise from my teacher, friends, and family. The feedback from it really raised my confidence in myself as a person and as a student. It has truly effected every creative project I have made at Dawson since. Including creative photoshop projects, advertisment ideas and a solid short film.         G:85 CA: 73

Semester 5: Media Production, Phil Vitone.. 

Though this was not my first production course, it was the one where I did the most work, struggled the most, and learned the most. Like most of my courses at Dawson, I started this one off very poorly. I was late on assignments, missed a class or two, and was not asking my teacher enough questions because frankly, I was sort of intimidated and did not find him very approachable. The semester was not going very well and didn't even think I would pass. Fast forward to the last two weeks of school and the group I was doing my final project with separated. I had to put together a final project, which would decide whether if I would pass, all by myself. I was forced to write a brand new script, find a cast and make a schedule that everone could agree on, during exam time, write the shot list, film it and edit it. I also asked my teacher for advice. This experience has truly taught me about the process of making a successful project, the value of time management, and how important proper preparation is.  G: 75 CA: 62


Semester 5: Contemporary Media Arts, Will Aitken

This was a really fun class, with a really cool teacher. In this class I learned how to use Adobe Photoshop and discovered a new type of canvas.         G: 85 CA: 81


Semester 5: Media & Youth, Heather Wallace

In this course I learned about how parts of the communications world works. I learned about advertisements, the television and music industry, and about the intricate demographic studies. This course was really interesting, informative, and fun. G: 85 CA: 78

Friday, September 19, 2008

Skills Acquired in English

        (An ad I analyzed for class)

English has always been my favorite and strongest subject. 

Dawson College english courses have helped me sharpen my writing skills and has given me a new found confidence in them. This is due to solid grades and moral support from teachers. 

Sem 4: Applied Themes in English (Pop Culture), Leland Young
The timing of this class could not have been more perfect. It was my first semester back in Cin Com and my exact reasoning for coming back was that i wanted to study Communications business. I was interested in absolutely everything we learned in this class. We learned about advertising, marketing, product placement, would look at ads in magazines/commercials and analyze them using Jib Fowles Basic Needs for Advertising. This class really gave me an idea of how the communations industry works and since then I have been analyzing and breaking apart ads constantly. G: 86 CA: 72